During our first morning in the field, we had been working a small herd of mountain goats for an hour or so, when I heard a familiar "call." I began looking, but did not see anything. Knowing who had made the call, I continued my search. Suddenly, one of them materialized, then another, and another. It was Nature's Master of Disguise . . . an entire flock of White-tailed
Ptarmigan, less than 20-feet away. They had come to us. I began circling around them in order to place the light to better advantage. In the process, I almost stepped on two "stragglers" that trailed behind the main flock.
In all, we encountered a variety of wildlife, including mountain goats, bighorn sheep, yellow-bellied marmots, pika, long-tailed weasels, and the White-tailed Ptarmigan. One day, a Golden Eagle even checked us out as it circled effortlessly overhead. The weather was fabulous and so were the photo opps.